We would like to say a huge well done to the hundreds of students who regularly engage in the many enrichment offers and clubs that are available. Good luck to all of the Year 9s who are well underway with the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award, and a big well done to our Flying Start [glider building STEM team] and public speaking team who are all gearing up for competitions in the near future. Everyday, we host a number of lunchtime clubs within school, to allow students time to sample and develop new activities and skills. This term, the PE department are hosting a number of brilliant events:
● Monday: Year 9 and Year 10 Netball. Year 8 and Year 9 Football.
● Tuesday: KS3 Handball. Year 7 Football.
● Wednesday: Year 7 and Year 8 Netball.
● Thursday: KS4 Basketball.
● Friday: KS3 Basketball. KS4 Football.

We’d also draw your attention to a remarkable team of 30 young people here at Ansford who are busy raising funds for their Camps International expedition to Kenya. Their hard work, in and out of school, is truly impressive and we hope that you will hear about local fundraising events in our surrounding area.